Friday, March 24, 2017

I Can See the Whole Runway From Up Here...

Shortly after I got promoted and my Mom and Dad went home, they told us that they had a surprise for us. Every week the commander sends out and email, telling us what we are going to do at the meeting that night. The schedule said we would go, I would be promoted, then we would take a break, then we would do some drill. The main thing that night was going to be an aerospace lesson from a Lt Col that came into town. Turns out he got stuck doing something at the last minute, so he had to cancel. In the mean time, Lt Atchley had to find something else to do that night. At the last minute he was able to get us all a tour of the control tower. I have never been in a control tower before, and this was the coolest thing I have ever seen in my two years of being a cadet. First we got to go in the basement part of the control tower, where they control all the radar. They have radar that can see planes as far as sixty miles away. Up top they can only see planes coming from about nine or ten miles away. Another huge surprise, that no one else knew, but the people at the controls, was that there was a C 130 coming in. I wasn't that surprised because I've seen C 130's land there all day every day. The catch was that the C 130 was actually going to drop parachuters out the back onto the runway. Now that was cool! I haven't seen that before and it was cool when they flew over. We waited about thirty minutes for them, but it was totally worth it. I got a video of all the people jumping out the back. Here's the video I got of the people jumping out the back.

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